Terms of Services
Currency exchange rates are applicable on a real time basis and there is a conversion charge of Rs. 2/USD which gets levied on the students at the time of payment if made in INR.
For the convenience of the participants, Network Bulls Pvt. Ltd provides fixed price quotes in most currencies and adheres by it, even in the event of fall or rise of the currency between the times that training is booked and the final payment is made. Likewise, the student is also committed to pay the Classroom training fees quoted at the time of booking the course. After booking, changing training fees to a different currency is not permitted.
If in case the payment is made by Bank Wire Transfer, then the bank charges have to be borne by the customer.
Network Bulls will not be responsible for any consequential losses and will NOT refund airfare, accommodation, food cost, testing cost.
If student would like to change the schedule or courses, an administrative fee of $100 is charged per instance. The changes have to be requested in advance and are subject to availability.
In case of 1-to-1 training, if you finish up your course in less time then there will be no refund. However, If in case you wish to opt for any other particular course during the saved timings, you can do so by paying additional charges.
Wi-Fi Internet is provided at accommodation. In case of breakdown of the service, for any reason, Network Bulls will not be responsible for costs incurred by the student for making alternate arrangements. Also, the free Wi-Fi internet facility is only for web browsing and emails. If you require voice / video chat, VPN, downloading files, which require more bandwidth, you can rent an internet data card at an extra cost.
If student has opted for Network Bulls accommodation then the payment has to be made in advance and by 25th of each month, delay in which will attract a penalty of USD 10 per day.
If student has opted for Network Bulls accommodation and wants to change/move out of it before the agreed term then he/she will have to serve one month notice before moving out and if paid all the accommodation fee in advance then money will be refunded after deducting 21% (service and other tax) on the remaining money.
Network Bulls is not responsible for theft of belongings during your stay in India. Please take necessary precautions.
Right of Admission is reserved. In case of unreasonable misconduct during the course, future courses can be denied. The decision of the Network Bulls Management will be final in such cases.
Courseware once issued will not be taken back and there will no refunds on a later stage.
Transport Facility as pick up and drop will be given to the clients from accommodation to center and return. The time of which will be pick up till 8:30 AM (or as per training schedule) and drop will be around 5:30 PM (or as per training schedule). To optimize the cost of Network Bulls, we provide shared transport services (one may require to share the cab with other participants). In case, any of the participants will be coming late or leaving early than the scheduled time, then the transportation would be subject to availability.
Transport facility is only limited to-- Pick up from Airport and drop to Airport
- Pick up from Accommodation to Network Bulls and return
Please note that in all other cases (except point 14.1 and 14.2) student has to take care of their transportation on their own. Request for pick-ups and drops to/from airport shall be entertained only when the information will be provided well in advance (at least 48 hrs.).
Student will receive three meals from Network Bulls. Breakfast and Lunch will be served in office and Dinner at accommodation premises, all meals will be served in accommodation on holidays.
The food is prepared keeping in mind the generic taste of international students. The menu is dynamic and will change as per the chef’s desire. Therefore any specific (food) request from student will not be entertained.
Network Bulls prohibits any kind of Audio and Video recording inside its premises. Only still photography is allowed.
Network Bulls is not responsible in the case of sickness, accident or an injury, whether to you personally or your property during the course of your training. Please ensure that you take all necessary precautions to prevent injury to yourself and your property. Please have the necessary insurance in place.
The Hospitality Desk at Network Bulls Pvt. Ltd gives advice and support for availing other services in India such as medical/dental procedures, tours, cab service, gym or any other service. However, this advice and support is offered with the best effort and Network Bulls Pvt. Ltd does not guarantee the quality of service provided by these third-party agencies.
Live devices will be made available only in CCNA (R&S) classes after that students will not get the devices in the class instead student will be encouraged to practice on live devices available in abundance at Network Bulls Labs.
Slots for CCIE Racks are allotted for 6 hours per day which can be any slot (day or night) depending upon availability of racks. However, lab assistant will not be available in the night slots after 7PM.
Any dispute regarding this contract will be settled within the jurisdiction of court of the State of Haryana.
In case of Online Training:
If a student wishes to downgrade or leave the Online training after the proceedings and before completion (for any reason) of the course, then the training fee will not be refunded.
In case the individual is not satisfied and wish to discontinue the training, then he/she has to inform on the 2nd day of training.
In case the individual is late / leave early for a session in Online Training, there will be no compensatory class.
Distribution of the Network Bulls training content in any form is prohibited.
The Training will get completed as per the duration and time fixed and there will be no changes till the completion of the course.
If in case the student is remaining absent from class during his training, then we will not be able to provide any extra class nor extra hours.
If in case the Trainer is absent during the training, then we will compensate by adding one day in the training duration.
CCIE Rack Access Policies:
30 Days of Rack Access will be provided to CCIE Written + Lab and CCIE Lab training students .
2 Months of Rack Access will be provided to CCIE Integrated students.
Your CCIE rack access is only for you and can not be sold or transferred.
Exact 6 Hours a Day Slot will be provided.
Slot timings will depend upon availability (Sample Slots: 6Am to 12PM, 12PM to 6 PM, 6 PM to 12AM, 12AM to 6AM).
Additional Rack Access to be provided depending upon availability and additional cost.
Policy Regarding Late Fee Submission:
Total fees must be paid well in advance in order to reserve your seat in the class and to avoid late fees charges. Late fees will be levied if payment is received by Network Bulls after the due dates.
If the student does not pay minimum 50% of total fees before arrival or on the first day of training, then individual’s place or seat in the class will get cancelled automatically, without any prior notice.
If the student has paid 50% fee well in advance, then that individual will get maximum 5 business days to make the full payment. If he/she fails to do so then that individual will be liable to pay late fee charges as USD 100 per week till he/she pays the full fees.
Refund and Cancellation Policy
If any student cancels the training before commencement of the training, then there will be a deduction of USD 1000 as registration fee only. Rest of the training fee paid will be initiated for the refund.
If a student wishes to downgrade or leave the training after the proceedings and before completion (for any reason) of the course, then the amount refundable will be limited to the unutilized accommodation stay and exam fee only (if it is paid by student in advance) training fee will not be refunded.