How one can decide NETWORKING path?


I am confused about how to choose networking career path

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The Marketing Guy but in love with Networking..

Hi Gajanan,

Can you tell anything more so that anyone of us can help?

Are you a fresher looking for a career in Networking or you are working in any company as a Network Engineer and wish to have great career growth?

In different cases, the answer will be different.

Ideally, in anyone's networking career certifications and practical exposure matters the most. Cisco Certifications open up best possible networking career opportunities. 

You need to start with CCNA R&S which is an associate level Cisco Certification Course and makes the foundation of your career in Networking. 

After CCNA, you can do CCNP & CCIE in Routing & Switching Technology or do same certifications in security, collaboration, data center etc. technologies.
