How many CCIE’s are there worldwide?

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Its a pretty good and interesting question. Earlier Cisco had a dedicated page on its website showing the complete database of Total number of CCIE Certified Engineers worldwide with detailed information.

As Cisco now has not revealed any official number, we can not give you exact count but still we can give a fair guess.

There are around 45,000 active CCIE's in world right now in 2017. As the CCIE number right now has reached somewhat 55xxx series, now a question rises that where are rest of 10,000 numbers?

Cisco launched this prestigious CCIE Certification in 1993 and started CCIE numbers from 1024 instead of starting it from 1. So the very first CCIE number in history was 1024 and Cisco assigned this CCIE number to its own Lab. 2nd CCIE number was 1025 which was assigned to Stuart Biggs who created the CCIE written and CCIE Lab exams along with testing and all.

So who was the First ever Tech Geek who actually cracked the Giant CCIE Written and Lab Exams?

Well, the name of that person is Terrance Slattery CCIE R&S#1026. Terry became the first CCIE in world after passing the first CCIE lab exam and created history.

Lot of old CCIE’s are already retired or shifted to top management jobs or are in in-active state. To take a safer figure, we can assume that around 10,000 CCIE’s got retired or lost their CCIE Active status in last 25 years. So there are around 45,000 Active CCIE’s worldwide.

So there are only 45,000 CCIE Certified engineers worldwide and IT industry need at-least 300,000 engineers right now and demand is going to increase in future. This is the high time that you should also consider CCIE Training and Certification.

Looking forward to earn your CCIE Certification in first attempt? Consider Network Bulls Gurgaon for your CCIE Training journey. All the Best.


According to my research, the CCIE number til Sep, 2019 was more than 63,000. Help it helps for you :)



Total Number of CCIE's Worldwide 2017:

CCIE Routing & Switching: 30,000

CCIE Security: 7,000

CCIE Collaboration/Voice: 4,500

CCIE Data Center: 2500

CCIE SP: 3000

CCIE Wireless: 250

CCIE Strorage: 170


There are around 3000 CCIE Certified engineers working in India and around 10,000 working in USA. Most of the CCIE Wireless Engineers are working with Cisco.

If you want to know the exact count of number of CCIE's in India and in World, then these stats will give you a fair idea about the same.

You can not trust etc because the data is not updated there.


CCIE Security

Initially i also wanted to know that How many total number of CCIE's are there in the world, but after reading this post i have got my answer. Thanks a lot Paras for sharing such awesome stats and that too with a wonderful explanation.

I still have some doubts that How many CCIE Routing & Switching (R&S) engineers are there in the world and what is the exact count/number of CCIE Security, CCIE Collaboration and CCIE Data Centre engineers worldwide?

If you can clear this doubt too, that would be great. Thanks in advance.


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there are around 45,000 Active CCIE's worldwide
Regards : CCIE classes in Indore.


As you ask, How many CCIE’s are there worldwide?

Well then, you can put it into a count from the link shared by Kiran in his answer.

And I must say, the answer which came from Paras enlightened me about the history of Cisco CCIE certification numbers. And it was good learning.

CCIE is my dream and I wish to achieve it. For sure Network Bulls is the place where I could have my dream come true. Their students have set a record in passing CCIE exam in the first attempt.

And recently came to know that, they produce a maximum number of CCIE in every series (mainly 57XXX, 58XXX, 59XXX, 60XXX, 61XXX, and 62XXX).

Check- Once again Network Bulls Produced Highest CCIE Certified Students in CCIE Series - (61K and 62K Series)

I read their Cisco CCIE success stories post over Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube frequently which inspires me a lot to take CCIE training from NB.

I am amazed to see how CCIE certification is in demand today and how many CCIE’s are there worldwide with us. If you check a few years back CCIE results, then it used to take a year to finish a series but now a few months is enough.

I am also curious about the new Cisco certification exams. Will the series start over or remain in continuity? Who knows?

I always keep up with Network Bulls to stay updated.