Can i take CCIE Writen exam instead of CCNA & CCNP exams ?

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Yes, of course. You can take CCIE Written exam by skipping CCNA and CCNP certification exams.


CCIE Written exams come without any prerequisites so anyone can attempt it “N” numbers of times.

But to pass CCIE written exam you must have sound CCNA and CCNP course knowledge as without it passing CCIE in a single attempt is quite impossible.

If you look closely, you will find all the CCIE’s passing CCIE written as well as lab exam in the first attempt, take CCNA, CCNP, CCIE integrated training.

Network Bulls CCIE passing rate summarizes how effective and realistic CCIE integrated training program helps Network Aspirants to achieve their goals.

Around 90% of CCIE students at Network Bulls clear CCIE exam in first attempt.

90% of Students clearing CCIE exam are fresher who take Intensive training track for CCIE preparation.

If I talk about placements, then every CCIE student at Network Bulls get placed and some even get job placement before their course completion.

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